Software Companions - Gerber, PLT and HPGL Viewing and Conversion Software

Viewing and Conversion Software

ViewCompanion Pro Viewer

ViewCompanion Pro 9.10 Released
New PDF features available

OSLO, Norway, May 12, 2015 - ViewCompanion Pro version 9.10 is now released.
This update adds useful PDF enhancements and includes a new PDF merge tool.
You can find more information about the Merge tool, and the other improvements, below.

This update is free if you purchased a license, or renewed the software maintenance, less than 12-months ago.

What's new in 9.10?

  • A new PDF Merge tool for combining several different PDF files, containing one or more pages, into a single multi-page PDF file.
    All PDF formatting will be retained in the merged file (including pages, fonts, text, images and more).
    Add files to merge using the PDF Merge dialog as shown below:

    The selected files will be merged in the same order as they are added to the list. You can use the Up and Down buttons to reorder the files.

  • If your PDF file contains Bookmarks these will now be listed in the Outlook Bar as shown below:

    You can select a bookmark from the list and ViewCompanion will then display the linked page and position.

  • Powerful enhancements to the Markup XML format.

  • Several reported problems have been fixed.

Please go to the following page for complete details and download links:

ViewCompanion Pro Updates

Read more about ViewCompanion Premium:

ViewCompanion Pro Homepage

About ViewCompanion
ViewCompanion is a powerful application for viewing, printing and converting files of multiple formats. The formats supported by ViewCompanion include PLT, Adobe PDF, Autodesk DWF, CGM, HPGL/2, HP-RTL, Calcomp, TIFF, CALS and more.

ViewCompanion is available as three different editions: ViewCompanion Standard, Pro and Premium. The Pro and Premium editions have tools for markup and support for raster formats. The Premium edition adds extra tools for raster and PDF processing.

About Software Companions
Software Companions is fully focused on developing powerful products for viewing, printing and conversion of file formats that are commonly used in the CAD/CAM market. They also develop and sell components that are used in applications developed by other companies.