Software Companions News 2000
December 14, 2000
ViewCompanion v2.0 Released
ViewCompanion v2.0 costs $45.
See here for a list of the new features in this version.
Press release.
Registered users of ViewCompanion v1.xx can upgrade for $15.
If You have registered Your v1.x copy using the online service (RegNOW), You can click here to upgrade now.
Version 1.5x will still be sold, supported and improved, but no major features will be added.
December 6, 2000
scViewerX control updated.
Bugfix 100: Wrong area of file printed when PrintDisplay was used, and the file was rotated.
November 21, 2000
GerbView Updated
October 30, 2000
scViewerX control updated.
Raster placement problems fixed in this release.
Bugfix: Control crashed when loading files with more than 64 pages.
ViewCompanion Updated
September 29, 2000
scViewerX control updated.
Added property to control arc resolution.
May 1, 2000
GerbView 4.26 released.