Software Companions - Gerber Viewers and Converters

scConverter SDK Update Archive

The latest update will always include all previous fixes and improvements

Version 5.80
1 March 2022
Maintenance Update
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Changes to Existing Methods:
  • SetConfigValue - Added value 3: Set pattern length for LT command in exported PLT files.
  • PDFConform - Added support for confirming a PDF into PDF/A-U2 or PDF/A-U3 format.
Solved issues:
  • 1455 An extra line was visible in a HPGL file that should not be there.
  • 1453 Drill file was always loaded as inch even if metric was selected.
  • 1452 Some of the numbers in a DWF file using Hebrew character set were displayed in inverse order.

Version 5.79
13 January 2022
Maintenance Update
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Changes to Existing Methods:
  • SetConfigValue - Added value 2: Set default bits per pixel value for raster elements in HPGL/2 files (1, 8 or 24).
Solved issues:
  • 1451 Some numbers were displayed inverted in a DWF file (right to left language error).
  • 1449 DWF files from customer caused exception error during conversion.
  • 1448 Gerber step and repeat commands was not supported by the Gerber reader (scrwGBX.dll).
  • 1447 Step and repeat was missing for Excellon file.
  • 1445 HPGL/2 file was not loaded correctly. The HPGL/2 file contained a raster element but no bits per pixel configuration. You may call scSetConfigValue(2,1) to force the default to monochrome images.
  • 1442 Excellon drill file was loaded with wrong tool sizes.
  • 1351 Several images in a PLT file had wrong rotation and wrong position.

Version 5.78
5 December 2021
Maintenance Update
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Solved issues:
  • 1443 Text was missing in DWF file if the requested font was not available.
  • 1441 Conversion of a PDF file to CGM failed due to extent limits.
  • 1440 Some images in a DWF file were converted using wrong scaling.
  • 1439 An image in DWF file should not be included when converted to PDF.
  • 1437 Images in PDF file should be partial transparent when converted to vector format (e.g. DWF).
  • 1435 Almost all polylines were incorrectly being split into singe line elements in a DWF file from customer. This caused converted files to be much larger than needed.
  • 1426 There were missing characters on some pages in DWF file.
  • 1424 Some elements were located far outside the page if the PDF file was converted to vector format.
  • 1422 Parenthesis caused additional text spacing in a DWF file.
  • 1417 Text brackets were not correctly aligned with text in a DWF file.
  • 1361 Conversion of a PDF file to CGM failed due to extent limits.

Version 5.77
25 October 2021
Maintenance Update
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New Features:
  • Markup XML: You may now use percentage values for text insertx and inserty tags.

New Methods:
  • scConvertFileEx - Convert method which supports both mirroring and rotation.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1429 Some images in a DWF file were displayed outside the paper area.
  • 1415 PDF file caused exception error during loading.
  • 1411 Opening the converted PDF file (from PLT) in Acrobat displayed a file error message.

Version 5.76
25 August 2021
Maintenance Update
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Bug Fixes:
  • 1414 Some images were incorrectly flipped after PDF to CAD (dwf) conversion.
  • 1409 Missing drawing geometry in HPGL/2 file from customer.
  • 1407 Annotations in a DWF file were incorrectly clipped.
  • 1398 A Parasolid x_t file was incorrectly identfied as Gerber format
  • 1386 Some Polish characters were missing in a PDF file from customer.
  • 1385 A picture in a PDF file was not visible at some scale factors.
  • 1384 Fonts not displayed correctly in PDF file from customer.

Version 5.75
28 March 2021
Maintenance Update
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32-bit 64-bit
New Methods:
Bug Fixes:
  • 1379 Exported HPGL/2 files had PU/PD sequence for every line segment, even if the lines were connected.
  • 1376 Conversion from HPGL/2 to PDF did use wrong polygon fill mode.
  • 1375 An Excellon drill file was not identified as a valid file.
  • 1371 Bezier curves were missing from imported PDF file.
  • 1370 Missing measurement viewports in DWFX files after conversion to PDF.
  • 1369 Missing holes in Excellon drill file.
  • 1368 Bezier curves were missing from imported PDF file.

Version 5.72
17 January 2021
Maintenance Update
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32-bit 64-bit
Bug Fixes:
  • 1367 A 80 meter long DWF file could not be converted to PDF.
  • 1363 Excellon step and repeat with mirroring was not working correctly and the file had wrong units.
  • 1362 Excellon step and repeat with mirroring was not working correctly.
  • 1360 A signed DWFX file from customer could not be converted.
  • 1357 Conversion to DWF failed if the destination file name or path contained far-east (chinese) characters.
  • 1356 Several non-cgm files were incorrectly detected as CGM format.
  • 1354 Several filled areas in a DWF file were missing transparency.
  • 1352 A DWF file had an image that was displayed outside the paper area.
  • 1350 Converting a 10 meter long PLT to Raster PDF caused the resulting file to be clipped at 5 meter.
  • 1344 A PLT file caused exception error during loading.
  • 1342 Missing transparency for markup elements in DWFx file from customer.
  • 1341 If a rotated PLT was convert to PDF some of the images were missing.
  • 1339 Excellon step and repeat commands were not handled correctly (M25, M01, M02, M08).
  • 1338 Excellon drill slots were not scaled correctly if the format was defined using millimeters.
  • 1336 Excellon drill file caused the component to enter an infinite loop.

Version 5.70
5 November 2020
Maintenance Update
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32-bit 64-bit
New Features:
  • Added support for conversion of Excellon drill files.
  • Added text alignment options for XML markup text when using insertx/inserty for defining text origin.
New Methods:
New Exported Functions:
Changes to Existing Methods:
  • AddGerberLayer - This method now accepts Excellon drill files in addition to Gerber files.
  • Several methods now return S_FALSE instead of E_FAIL to avoid exceptions if a non-critical error occured.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1347 Some information in a DWF file was visible outside paper area.
  • 1342 Transparent markup elements were not supported in DWFx files.
  • 1322 A DWF file caused an exception error during loading.
  • 1321 A DWF file caused an exception error during loading.
  • PDF exporter compression type selection had no effect for 32-bit images.

Version 5.62
16 July 2020
Maintenance Update
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32-bit 64-bit
New Method:
  • SetPLTPaperSize - Configure custom paper size for converted HPGL/2 files.
New Exported Functions:
Changes to Existing Methods:
  • SetConfigValue - Added value 1: Configure header information in converted HPGL/2 files.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1319 CGM PIP amplitudes were too large.
  • 1318 A CGM file was not converted correctly, filled areas should contain many different colors but were displayed as black only.
  • 1317 A CGM file had random grid and text color each time it was converted.
  • 1316 Converting a DWF file from customer to PDF caused exception error due to a corrupt PNG stream.
  • 1315 CGM files from customer were not converted correctly.
  • 1314 Several polygons in a CGM file were incorrectly converted with an outline which made them to look connected.
  • 1313 CGM+ seismic data were missing in files from customer.
  • 1311 CGM+ seismic data were missing in file from customer.
  • 1310 PDF file from customer was only partially converted.
  • 1308 Converted HPGL/2 file failed to print in landscape mode. It is now possible to setup custom paper size to force landscape printing.
  • 1307 CGM PIP data was missing and a text with 90 degrees rotation was not correctly converted.
  • 1304 Gerber to PDF conversion: Round apertures with hole did incorrectly cover other information below.
  • 1301 Missing image signature and stamp (markup) in DXWF file.
  • 1297 A text element in a HPGL/2 file was incorrectly being covered by a black rectangle.
  • 1293 Signed DWF file failed to convert.
  • 1290 PDF file was only partially converted.
  • Center lines are no longer drawn for seismic data if there is a negative or positive amplitude (CGM).

Version 5.60
25 April 2020
Maintenance Update
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New Method:
  • SetConfigValue - Set a configuration value to override default behavior.
New Exported Functions:
Other Changes:
  • The PDF exporter are now exporting arcs using Bezier curves and no longer converting all arcs to polylines.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1292 An image in a DWF file was incorrectly being converted with transparent background.
  • 1289 Text in a DWF file was at wrong position after conversion to PDF.
  • 1286 Extra lines were visible in a HPGL/2 file from customer.
  • 1282 DWF files from customer were converted with invalid extents.
  • 1281 The HPGL/2 plot file exporter did always convert arcs to polylines.
  • 1280 Several filled rectangles in a PLT file should not have been visible at all, since they should be rendered using a merge control code that would make them invisible.
  • 1277 Chinese text in a PDF file were displayed using wrong characters.
  • 1256 Text in a DWF file was at wrong position and too large.

Version 5.50
15 March 2020
Maintenance Update
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32-bit 64-bit
New Feature:
  • Added support for Intergraph Type 2 raster format.
New Method:
New Exported Functions:
Bug Fixes:
  • 1279: A Gerber file was not detected as Gerber format and failed to convert.
  • 1276: A grayscale raster image become black only after PDF was converted to DWF using the PDFtoCAD method.
  • 1275: An arc with a very small span angle in a Gerber file was incorrectly drawn as full circle.
  • 1271: Missing text in CGM files from customer.
  • 1268: Parts of drawing where incorrectly covered by black rectangles in HPGL/2 plotter file.
  • 1265: Missing raster images in HPGL/2 plotter file.
  • 1263: Hatch missing in PDF from customer.
  • 1251: Chinese text was not searchable in PDF created from a DWF file.

Version 5.40
18 December 2019
Minor Update
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New Features:
  • Added support for converting measurement viewports from DWF to PDF viewports. Viewports are by default included when a DWF is converted to PDF, but you can disable this feature with the new MeasurementViewports property.
  • Hidden text from DWF and PLT will now be added as hidden text during conversion to PDF to make the files searchable.
New Methods:
New Properties:
New Exported Functions:
Modified Functions:
  • scSetProperty - Added setting for PDF true color raster compression method.
  • scSetProperty - Added setting for named views as bookmark option.
  • scSetProperty - Added setting for including or ignoring hidden text in DWF files.
  • scSetProperty - Added setting for including or ignoring viewports in DWF files during conversion to PDF.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1247: TIFF file was loaded with wrong resolution (DPI).
  • 1240: DWF file failed to convert.
  • 1235: TIFF file failed to convert.
  • 1234: A CATPart file was incorrectly detected as a EDMICS TG4 file.
  • 1227: Intergraph raster files had wrong rotation.
  • 1226: scLibreToPDF has been updated to work with LibreOffice version 6.2.7 and newer.
  • 1222: A Gerber file caused exception error during conversion.
  • 1221: A CREO file was incorrectly being identified as HPGL/2 format.
  • 1218: Now adds bookmark for each page in a DWF file and any named views will be added as child to these.
  • 1216: Modified file open functions to remove sharing violation if a PLT file is open for read/write in another application.
  • ####: Conversion of JPEG-2000 files could sometimes fail.

Version 5.30
13 August 2019
Minor Update
32-bit 64-bit
New Feature:
  • Exported ANSI functions will now detect and decode UTF8 encoded strings passed as arguments.
New Property:
  • DXFExtractImages - Enables extraction of images as individual files when converting for example a PDF to DXF format.
New Exported Functions:
Modified Functions:
  • scSetProperty - added setting for extracting images when converting to DXF format.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1213: PDF2CAD using other than page 0 failed for many PDF files.
  • 1210: DXF exporter supported only up to 64 characters in a layer name.
  • 1209: Tiff file was loaded with wrong resolution (DPI).
  • 1208: PDF file caused exception error during conversion.
Version What's New Released
5.22 Maintenance Update
New Property:

  • Version - Return version of the DLL as a string.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1207: Some Tiff JPEG encoded files were converted to all black PDF.
  • 1206: PLT to PDF: Raster images were displaced on all 4 pages.
  • 1204: Adding markup to a PDF file from customer caused the markup to be displaced.
  • 1201: PDF to DWF Conversion: Line cap styles and line join styles were wrong.
  • 1199: Some 1-bit images were not rotated correctly for PDF to DWF conversion.
  • 1198: PDF2CAD: Missing content due to an exception error caused by an empty font name.
  • Hidden text in DWF files became visible when converted to PDF.
  • The INSUNIT header variable is now set to 4 for metric output (was always 0).


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

5.20 Minor Update
Bug Fixes:
  • 1195: Adding markup xml picture elements could cause an exception error when used in ASP.NET environment.
  • 1194: Large format PDF flag was not property handled so the resulting PDF had wrong extents.
  • 1193: PDF to DWF conversion: An image had wrong scale and missing transparency.
  • 1192: A Parasolid x_t file was incorrectly identified as a file that could be converted by the control.
  • 1188: Added support for loading markup picture element from an URL (XML).
  • 1183: A DWF file was convert to PDF with filled areas that should have been outlined.
  • 1182: File was converted with a white margin at top of drawing that should not be there.
  • 1180: PDF to DWF conversion: An image was placed outside drawing area and was flipped.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

5.10 Minor Update
New methods:
Bug Fixes:
  • 1179: Exported CGM files had too low resolution (DPI).


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

5.02 Minor Update
New features:

  • Now support <center x="?" y="?"> style for circle (Markup XML).
  • Added support for markup shape element (type 26).
  • Added support for JPEG2000 export.
  • Added a new C# sample that demonstrates how you can add different markup elements using AddMarkupEx to a file before conversion (scMarkupTester).
Bug Fixes:
  • 1174: DXF exporter now sets MEASUREMENT correctly to metric if the file is saved using metric units.
  • 1170: A SLDASM file was incorrectly detected as PDF format.
  • 1169: Converting pdf files that were rotated 180 or 270 degree to DWF caused some of the images to have wrong rotation (PDFToCAD).
  • Relative coordinates didn't work if the markup was added using AddMarkupEx.
  • Transparency did not work for all markup elements.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

5.00 Major Update
New features:

  • You may now add annotation to the converted files. You can use the Software Companions Markup XML format to add elements like text, stamp, barcode and much more.
  • You may now convert Office documents if you have either LibreOffice or Microsoft Office installed on your computer. LibreOffice is free software.
  • Added support for reading of Intergraph raster format type 9, 24, 27 and 65 (rle, rgb, cit and tg4).
New methods:
  • ConvertMarkup - Convert your files with annotations.
  • AddMarkupEx - Add markup to an already opened file.
  • ConvertToPDF - Convert a file to PDF. If you have LibreOffice or Microsoft Office installed, you can also use this method to convert Office formats like Word to PDF.
New exported functions:
  • scConvertMarkup - Convert your files with annotations.
  • scConvertToPDF - Convert a file to PDF. If you have LibreOffice or Microsoft Office installed, you can also use this method to convert Office formats like Word to PDF.
  • scSetPropertyString - Set scConverter string properties.
Modified methods:
  • OpenFileEx - If you have LibreOffice or Microsoft Office installed, you can now open Office files with this method.
  • Convert - If you have LibreOffice or Microsoft Office installed, you can now open Office files with this method.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1166: PDF to DWF: 24-bit PDF images with software mask is now converted to 32-bit DWF images.
  • 1165: A PDF file caused exception error during conversion.
  • 1164: Some of the text in a CGM file was displaced after conversion to PDF.
  • 1158: A DWF file was converted with wrong extents.
  • 1157: Some of the Hebrew text in a DWF file were converted to PDF as ????.
  • 1156: A DWF file caused exception error in 32-bit, but worked in 64-bit.
  • 1155: A DWF file from customer caused an exception error during conversion.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

4.30 Feature Update
New method:
  • PDFOptimize - Optmize a PDF file for faster loading and rendering, as well as fixing any errors in the structure.
New exported function:
Bug Fixes:
  • 1147: Some images in DWF turned into unrecognizable green images after conversion to PDF.
  • 1146: DWF file failed to open.
  • 1141: TIFF file from customer failed to open.
  • 1138: DWF files loaded with wrong extents.
  • 1137: DWF file caused exception error during conversion.
  • 1135: Several drawing elements missing fill in DWF file from customer.
  • 1133: Transparent GIF's are now correctly converted.
  • 1125: PDFtoCAD : A few images had wrong position and rotation after conversion to DWF.
  • 0000: PDFSplit could cause exception error for some files.


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64-bit SDK

4.22 Minor Update
Bug Fixes:
  • 1124: Several images in a PLT file lost transparency after conversion to DWF.
  • 1123: CGM file caused exception error.
  • 1122: 3 DWF files failed to open.
  • 1121: A PDF file caused exception error.
  • 1117: A STEP file was incorrectly identified as a Gerber file.
  • 1113: Text in PLT file had wrong rotation and placement.
  • 1112: Some of the text in a DWF file had wrong size and placement.
  • 1111: Some of the text in a DWF file should be invisible.
  • 1110: After conversion from PLT to PDF a rectangle had wrong color.
  • 0000: Fixed a memory leak in the EDMICS reader.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

4.20 Minor Update
New method:
New exported function:
Modified methods:
  • ConvertToImageFile - Added a new flag that will scale the document to fit the given image width and height.
  • PDFMergeAddFile - You may now add any file using this mehods, if the file format is supported. Any non-PDF file will be preconverted to PDF and then merged.
Modified exported functions:
  • scConvertToImageFile - Added a new flag that will scale the document to fit the given image width and height.
  • scPDFMergeAddFile - You may now add any file using this mehods, if the file format is supported. Any non-PDF file will be preconverted to PDF and then merged.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1098: White text background in a PLT file was missing after conversion to PDF.
  • 1097: A DWF file caused an exception error.
  • 1096: A red text in a PLT was black after conversion to PDF.
  • 1095: Large Gerber files could cause a crash in 64-bit mode.
  • 1093: Some elements in a DWF file was outside the paper area and should be clipped.
  • 1092: Some shapes in a CGM file was incorrectly filled with black solid color.
  • 1091: Some of the shapes in a DWF file was not filled.
  • 1088: A DWF file from customer could not be converted.
  • 1083: Raster images (text) in PLT file at wrong position.
  • 1067: Raster images (text) in PLT file at wrong position.
  • 0000: Many GIF files failed to convert.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

4.15 Maintenance Update
New method:
  • PDFConform - Conform an existing PDF file to selectable PDF/A standard.
New exported functions:
  • scPDFConform - Conform an existing PDF file to selectable PDF/A standard.
Bug Fixes:
  • 1082: Converting this PLT file caused the application to crash.
  • 1080: Most of the text in this PLT file was lost after conversion to PDF.
  • 1078: An image in this DWF file should be partially transparent.
  • 1077: CGM file failed to open.
  • 1074: Some of the text in this PLT file appeared too thick after converting to PDF.
  • 1073: DWF files were not centered on the paper after conversion.
  • 1075: Missing arcs in CGM file.
  • 1063: Information missing after converting this DWF file to TIFF.
  • 1062: Converting this DWF file to TIFF gave a blank image only.
  • 1061: After converting this DWF file to PDF some images incorrectly become transparent.
  • 1057: CGM file failed to open.
  • 1056: PDF file opened with blank pages.
  • 1050: DWF files were not centered on the paper after conversion.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

4.14 Maintenance Update
New property:
Bug Fixes:
  • 1055: A DWF file had missing border lines in title field.
  • 1054: A DWF file had missing border lines in title field.
  • 1053: A DWF file exported from Inventor was converted with wrong extents.
  • 1034: A transparent image in a PLT file lost transparency after conversion to DWF.
  • 1033: A PDF file was not converted correctly to TIFF.
  • 1030: Chinese text in CGM file was converted as black rectangles.
  • 1023: DWF file had missing drawing information (clipping error).
  • 1019: Missing image in CGM file converted to PDF.
  • 1016: A DWFX file failed to convert if use paper size was enabled.
  • 984:   A DWFX file failed to convert if use paper size was enabled.
  • DWF files converted using PDFToCAD was initially very small when viewed in Autodesk Design Review due to a scaling error.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

4.12 Maintenance Update
New features:

  • PDFToCAD: Converting PDF to DWF format will now create Truetype text in the DWF file.
  • SVG exporter now supports raster images.
New methods:
Bug Fixes:
  • 1016: Text file was incorrectly identified as a Gerber file.
  • 1013: A PDF file from customer failed to convert.
  • 1011: Two PDF files from a customer failed to convert.
  • 1004: Missing an image in a CGM file from customer.
  • 1001: A PDF file converted to DWF could not be opened in Autodesk Design Review.
  • DWF exporter now correctly creates LWPOLYLINE with a constant width.
  • Merge mode was missing for some PLT files.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

4.10 Minor Update
New features:

  • Added support for reading and writing TIFF files using JPEG compression (type 7).
  • Added support for reading and writing TIFF files using Deflate compression (type 8 and 32946).
  • Added support for reading GIF files.
New methods:
New properties:
  • DXFForceLineLW - Force lines to be written as LWPolyline when exporting to DXF.
New exported functions:
Bug Fixes:
  • 999: Converting PLT to DXF could cause invalid layer names to be written to the output file.
  • 990: Missing hatch pattern when converting a CGM file to PDF.
  • 989: Converting monochrome TIFF to DWF created an inverted image.
  • 985: Some information in a DWF file should not be including in the conversion (clipping error).
  • Converting DWF files with multiple sheets to PDF could sometimes cause an additional blank page to be added to the output file.
  • DXF writer now writes only the actual number of used layers, previous versions did always write 256 layers.
  • Tiled TIFF files are now supported.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

4.00 Major Update
New features:

  • A completely rewritten core engine that gives much better precision for conversion. For some formats there could in rare cases be a loss of decimals when a file was converted with scConverter.
  • A new grayscale conversion mode has been added. By using this option the original document will be converted to shades of gray instead of colors.
  • A new PDF to CAD conversion method that can convert your PDF files to, for example, editable DXF files, has been added.
  • Added a new file format: WebP Image Format. Both reading and writing are supported.
  • The documentation has been rewritten as a PDF document.
New methods:
  • PDFToCAD - Convert your PDF files to editable DXF, Gerber, CGM and SVG files.
  • TextExtractEx - Extract text from files.
New properties:
  • GrayscaleMode - Enable gray scale conversion.
  • PDFHighPrecision - Enable high resolution PDF files. In this mode all coordinates are written with up to 4 decimals. If this option is not enabled, 2 decimals will be used.
  • PDFSearchable - Create searchable PDF files if the original file contains text.
  • DXFIgnoreWhiteAreas - Ignore white polygons during conversion to DXF.
  • PDFTransparency - Enable, or disable, transparency in converted PDF files.
  • DXFWriteMM - Write DXF files using millimeters or inches.
New exported functions:
  • scPDFToCAD - Convert your PDF files to editable DXF, Gerber, CGM and SVG files.
  • scSetGrayscale - Enable gray scale conversion.
Bug Fixes:
  • 987: PDF to CAD - some text elements in the PDF file were not correctly converted to DXF.
  • 982: A dashed line in a CGM file did convert as a solid line.
  • 978: A few elliptical arcs in a CGM file were not converted correctly.
  • 973: A text element in a CGM file was misplaced and had wrong scaling.
  • 972: Some shapes in a CGM file were missing solid black fill.
  • 964: A DWFX file caused an exception error.
  • 962: Two DWF files from customer failed to open.
  • 956: A DWF file from customer caused an exception error.
  • 955: DWF: White background was missing due to transparency incorrectly set on an image after conversion.
  • 940: The DWF exporter now supports transparent images.
  • 922: DWFX to TIFF: 32-bit images were converted to black areas instead of being transparent.
  • 914: Some of the text in DWF file had wrong height.
  • 909: A CGM file was converted with wrong extents.
  • 907: Lack of precision when converting a CGM file to PDF. The core engine has been updated to use 64-bit double precision for all calculations.
  • 906: Missing images in a CGM file.
  • 905: Missing a markup image in a DWF file.
  • 901: A tolerance symbol in a CGM file was not converted correctly due to an UTF8 error.
  • 898: Using ConvertGerberLayersToImageEx caused LPC to be ignored - all entities drawn using mono color.
  • 895: Alignment errors when using ConvertGerberLayersToImageEx and layers had different extents.
  • 890: Now writes coordinates in PDF with 4 decimals. Precision with 2 digits was not enough. In addition the core engine has been update to use 64-bit double precision for all calculations.
  • DXF export added a duplicate '0' after ENTITIES in the output file.
  • PDF to DWF conversion now works.
  • PDF to PLT conversion now works.
  • Hatch style was mssing for circles
  • Export to SVG now always creates polygons without outline.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

Minor Update
Fixed issues:

  • #875 Some Gerber files were converted to raster using wrong DPI.
  • #874 CGM file was loaded with wrong extents and this made it impossible to convert the file to a raster format (e.g.:JPEG) due to out of memory error.
  • #872 Saving a GIF from customer to any other raster image caused distorted image.
  • #864 DWF: Some of the drawing elements should be clipped and not visible
  • #xxx Converting a file with color images and when monochrome flag was set, did still create color output. Color images will now be converted to black and white during conversion.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

Minor Update
New function:

New exported functions:


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

3.12 Minor Update
New functions:

Bug Fixes:
  • 852: CGM arcs and circles was converted as polylines when converted to DXF.
  • 851: CGM polygon sets in some files was not converted correctly.
  • 845: A text element in CGM file should fit tightly inside a box.
  • 844: A text element in CGM file should be rotated and oblique.
  • 843: A text element in CGM file was not centered correctly.
31 July 2016


Please download 3.13 or newer.

3.11 Minor Update
New functions:

  • DWFLoadMarkup - enable or disable loading of AutoDesk Design Review markup from DWF.
  • GetFormatEx - return file format identifier for a previously opened file.
  • SaveThumbnailEx - save a thumbnail of given page to an image file.
  • GetPageThumbnail - return a thumbnail image of given page.
We've added a new C# sample that demonstrates how you can use scConverter to merge PDF files.

Bug Fixes:

  • 841: Spurious lines drawn between filled shapes in a CGM file.
  • 840: Missing raster images (24 bit cell arrays) in a CGM file.
  • 839: Converting a CGM from customer to PDF gave poor accuracy when doing measurements.
  • 805: Missing hatch pattern for a filled shape in a CGM file.
17 July 2016


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

3.10 Minor Update
New functions:

  • PDFMergeAddFileEx - Import selected page(s) from a PDF file to the currently merged PDF.
New exported functions:
12 June 2016


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

3.00 Major Update
New functionality:

  • You may now convert Adobe PDF files to TIFF, JPEG, PNG, CALS and BMP formats.
  • The component now includes functions for merging and splitting PDF files.
  • You may now keep a file open for multiple operations. Previously you had to reopen a file multiple times for doing operations as page by page conversion, and for reading page information.
New functions added:


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

2.19 New functions added:
  • ConvertPage - Convert a single page from the input file into a new file using the given format.
  • scConvertFilePage - Convert a single page from the input file into a new file using the given format.

Bug Fixes:

  • 813: Missing Design Review markup information in DWF file from customer.
  • 812: DWF file from customer could not be converted to any format.
  • 809: DWF file opened with wrong extents.
  • 808: DWF file opened with wrong extents.
  • 806: PLT file with wrong colors for some elements.
  • 803: Some of the text elements in CGM file from customer had wrong height.
  • 802: CGM file from customer not loaded.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

2.18 New functions added:

Bug Fixes:

  • 798: Some of the text in PLT file from customer was not displayed correctly.
  • 794: Missing text in CGM file from customer.


32-bit SDK
64-bit SDK

2.16 Bug Fixes:
  • 782: Unicode text in CGM file from customer was not correctly displayed.
  • 781: Missing line styles in CGM files from customer.

2.15 Bug Fixes:
  • 780: Missing text in CGM files from customer.
  • 779: Converting PLT with monochrome images could in some rare cases create PDF files that failed Adobe Preflight with a invalid colortable warning.
  • 771: CGM files from customer failed conversion.
  • 770: CGM files from customer caused exception error.


2.14 Bug Fixes:
  • 777: PLT file from customer could not be converted.
  • 776: Polygon aperture in Gerber file was not converted correctly (missing rotation).
  • 775: Some IFC files was wrongly detected as Gerber files.
  • 767: Compressed CGM files could not be converted.

2.12 New Features:

Bug Fixes:

  • 760: Wrong format ID's was returned from CheckFile and scCheckFormat functions.
  • 759: Passing a Word DOCX file to CheckFile, or scCheckFormat, caused a crash in the DWF reader dll.

2.11 New Features:
New method (COM): New property (COM): New exported functions:
  • scGetProperty - Single function for reading all available properties.
  • scSetProperty - Single function for modifying all available properties.

Bug Fixes:

  • 743: Exported CGM files could sometimes have wrong metric scaling.

2.10 New Features:
Added new method:
  • CheckFile - Use this method to check if a file can be converted by the ScConverter DLL.

Bug Fixes:

  • 733: Some Calcomp plotter files from customer could not be converted.
  • 720: Wrong fonts used for CGM files from customer.

2.09 New Features:
Added new property:
  • UseROInstruction - Enable/disable use of HPGL/2 RO instruction.
  • There are now non-Unicode variants available for most of the direct mode functions (e.g. scConvertFileA for scConvertFile).
  • Updated DWF reader.

Bug Fixes:

  • 706: Text in HPGL/2 file from customer was not displayed correctly.

2.06 New Features:
Added new methods:
  • MonochromeMode - Set active background color to use for conversion.
  • UsePenTable - Enable or disable pen table settings.
  • SetPenTableEntry - Define a pen table entry.
  • GetPenTableEntry - Return settings for selected pen table entry.
  • LoadPenTable - Load a previously defined pen table file.
Bug Fixes:
  • 114: Some elements in CGM file from customer was not converted correctly.
  • 111: Missing filled elements in CGM file from customer.

2.05 New Features:
Added new methods:
  • ConvertToImageFile - Convert a file to an image file.
  • GetFileDimensions - Return the original dimensions of a file.
  • ConvertGerberLayersToImage - Convert several loaded files to a single image file.
  • AddGerberLayer - Add a Gerber file to the component as layer for later conversion.
  • ClearGerberLayers - Unload all loaded Gerber layers.
  • BackgroundColor - Set background color to use for conversion methods.
Bug Fixes:
  • Resolution was not written to exported BMP files.
  • Fixed a memory leak in the CGM exporter.

2.03 Bug Fixes:
  • 116: Missing custom line style for circles and arcs when converting plot file to TIFF and other raster formats.
  • 115: Missing text when converting plot file from customer to TIFF and other raster formats.
  • 113: Missing line styles for arcs and circles in CGM file from customer.
  • 112: Some of text elements were not displayed at correct location in CGM file.
  • 110: Missing a raster image in a CGM file from customer.
  • 109: Wrong line width used for arcs and circles in some CGM files.
  • 108: Some arcs were not displayed correctly in CGM file from customer.
  • 107: Custom line styles were not supported in CGM files.
  • 106: Missing JPEG raster image in CGM files from customer..
  • 105: Poor resolution for splines and arcs in CGM file from customer.
  • 104: CGM file from customer caused an exception error during conversion.
  • 103: Missing group 4 raster image in CGM file.

2.01 Bug Fixes:
  • 102: CGM files from customer failed to open.
  • 101: CGM elements in file from customer was displayed with wrong color.

2.00 New Features:
scConverter can now open and convert TIFF, CALS, JPEG, PNG and BMP raster file formats.
The DLL can now be used in environments, and applications, that doesn't support COM.
  • Added support for loading and conversion of TIFF file format.
  • Added support for loading and conversion of JPEG file format.
  • Added support for loading and conversion of PNG file format.
  • Added support for loading and conversion of CALS file format.
  • Added support for loading and conversion of BMP file format.
  • Added property : ImporterPath.
  • The DLL now exports several function that can be used directly in any application that doesn't support COM (e.g.: Java). Read more about the exported functions here.


1.20 New Features:
scConverter can now open and convert Autodesk DWF/DWFx 2D files.
  • Added support for loading and conversion of Autodesk DWF and DWFx file format.
  • Added property : DWFUsePaperSize.
  • Added property : TIFFSingleStrip.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a problem that may cause created PDF files to generate warnings when verified by Adobe Preflight.

1.10 New Features:
scConverter can now handle Gerber files.
  • Added support for loading and conversion of Gerber RS-274D and RS-274X plotter files.

1.00 Initial Release