scConverter provides many useful tools for working with image files. These tools include resize, deskew, cleanup and defoxing.
You will find more information about each tool below.
Deskew, or straighten, a skewed image. scConverter will automatically calculate the optimal angle before processing the image.
You can deskew all supported raster image file formats and PDF.
The pictures below show a scanned image before (left) and after deskew has been applied (right):
The image to the right was deskewed, or rotation corrected, using the following function:
DeskewImage(string InputFile, string OutputFile, string Format, double Angle);
The Angle value was set to 0.0 to force automatic angle calculation.
The defox image filter can be used to remove stain from old, scanned documents.
A stained image is displayed to the left below and an image that has been defoxed (destained) to the right.
The sample image file used for this demonstration is named Comstock_1832_title_page.pdf, and is included in the SDK.
The image to the right was defoxed using the following function:
DefoxImage( string InputFile, string OutputFile, string Format, double Threshold);
The Threshold value was set to 0.45.
scConverter offers high quality image resizing using two different algorithms, Avir and Lanczos.
The pictures below show a image resized using the convert function with scaling (left), and one image resized using the Avir algorithm (right):
The image to the right was resized using the following function:
ResizeImage(string InputFile, string OutputFile, string Format, tagenumResizeMethod Method, LONG Width, LONG Height);
The Method parameter was set to scConverterLib.tagenumResizeMethod.SC_AVIR.
You can find more information about the supported scaling algorithms by using the links below:
Avir information:
Lanczos information:
The cleanup filer can do great job with removing unwanted noise from a scanned image as illustrated below:
The image to the right was cleaned up using the following function:
CleanupImage(string InputFile, string OutputFile, string Format);
All the above features are also available in ViewCompanion Premium and scViewerX.
Please take a look at the product descriptions below for more information about these products: