
You will find all the files you need to redistribute with your application under the folder named
"My Documents\scConverter SDK\redist". If you have installed both 32-bit and 64-bit SDK on your system, you will find redistributables for both here (x86 and x64 folders).
None of the DLL's, except for scConverter.dll, requires registration on the target system.
You may use the ImportersPath property in your application to tell scConverter where these DLL's are located, if they are not installed in the same folder as your application.

List of all DLL's and their purpose:

scConverter.dll The conversion engine No Yes
scrdCalcomp.dll Calcomp Plotter format importer Yes No
scrdCGM.dll CGM importer (Computer Graphics Metafile) Yes No
scrwDWF.dll AutoDesk DWF and DWFx 2D importer Yes No
scrwGBX.dll Gerber RS-274D and RS-274X importer Yes No
scrwGIF.dll GIF Image importer Yes No
scrwWEBP.dll WebP image format Yes No
scCoder.dll Contain functions for compression and decompression No No
dynapdf.dll PDF reader and writer No No

In the redistribution folder you will also find an executable file, named either vcredist_x86.exe or vcredist_x64.exe.
This file is the Microsoft VS2010 CRT runtime installer for 32/64 bit, and are required by the component.